“He won’t leave office. . . . It may well be the last real vote you ever get to cast.” —Liz Cheney
When Donald Trump was elected in 2016, we hoped he would grow into the office; that he’d become presidential; that he’d be transformed from the odious cretin he ran as into the rational leader we needed.
Today we know better—not only because of his lamentable four years in office, but also because he is telling us what he’ll do in his next term if he gets one. He’ll attack political adversaries with a Justice Department led by sycophants; he’ll resume his war on immigrants with “the largest domestic deportation operation in American history,” including raids and detention camps; he’ll weaken or destroy our commitments to NATO, Europe, and climate reform; he’ll suck up to Vladimir Putin and abandon Ukraine to Russian conquest. Already his allies have hatched a 1,000-page blueprint to purge as many as 50,000 federal workers and replace them with vetted ideologues more sympathetic to Trump’s authoritarian agenda.
We saw what happened when we voted him out in 2020. Can anyone doubt what he would do at the end of a second term? As Liz Cheney has said, “He won’t leave office. He already tried not to leave office once. So I think there’s a lot of living in a fantasy world that’s going on with Republicans telling themselves, ‘Look, we’ll vote for him, it won’t be so bad.’ It may well be the last real vote you ever get to cast. It will be that bad.”
So as tired as we are of saying it (we’re even tired of saying we’re tired of saying it), this election will be the most important we’ve ever seen. Maybe the most important in our democracy’s history. We all must understand the urgency of this moment. We all must be involved. Here’s what you can do now:
Get acquainted with our Action Calendar, a compendium of canvasses, phone banks, texting and letter-writing events, rallies, and more such actions sponsored or co-hosted by Indivisible Chicago and our close allies.
If you’re not with us already, join Indivisible Chicago. You’ll receive our campaign newsletters, which will bring you more volunteer opportunities as they are scheduled, and you can opt in for our Daily Actions—one or two things you can do every day to advance the cause.
If you’re already signed up, update your info and tell us where and how you’re most interested in helping.
Join a chapter in your area. Meet like-minded neighbors and enjoy the satisfaction of solidarity and collective action.
Imagine what a relief it will be to send Trump packing for good.
Imagine the possibility of electing Democratic majorities that can reform the Supreme Court, abolish the electoral college, end the filibuster, and more.
Imagine the alternative.