ICA Statement on Supreme Court Presidential Immunity Ruling July 2024

Please find below our statement regarding the Supreme Court ruling that the DC District Court must decide whether the presumption of immunity has been overcome and whether Presidential actions were private or official.

Indivisible Chicago Alliance Board


Today the Supreme Court, having injected itself unnecessarily into the issue of Presidential immunity, has further undermined our country and our system of laws, while ensuring there will be no verdict in the January 6th case prior to the Nov 5 election.

The Supreme Court has given Trump the thing he craves most--time. Sending the immunity case back to the DC district court intentionally keeps the American people in the dark about whether a jury of our peers would have found Trump guilty of fomenting the Jan 6th attack on our nation.

This ruling also opens the possibility of an unleashed Trump in a second term with the prospect of appointing two justices. This is why Indivisible Chicago is committed to protecting our country's future and providing ways activists can get involved to work against a Trump return to the White House.

Here is what you can do to save our courts and democracy

  • TAKE ACTION with Indivisible Chicago Alliance in this critical election year - sign up for volunteer opportunities.

  • Contact Senator Durbin  at  202.224.2152 and demand that he conducts ethics hearings and move on legislation that protects the American people from rulings that attack our freedoms

  • Share the messages on social media

  • Like and repost any posts from Indivisible Chicago

  • Create your own posts

Together we can save our courts and democracy by electing progressive candidates and progressive Democrats across all levels of government.

Keeping Families Together through Immigration Affirmative Actions: ICA Statement, 18 June 2024

Please find below our statement supporting the Biden Administration’s Affirmative Actions expanding protections for people married to US citizens and for recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), as well as a call to action to advocate for a just, humane, and effective immigration system that keeps families together.

Indivisible Chicago Alliance Board


Today’s announcement by President Joe Biden and his administration is a welcome step that enhances protections for hundreds of thousands of undocumented spouses of US citizens who have called this country home for a decade or more. When enacted, the policy will shield these immigrants from deportation, and allow them to apply for legal residency and work permits without having to leave the US and their families in order to obtain a green card.


Additionally, on the 12th anniversary of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), President Biden has expanded the ability of DACA recipients to apply for employment-based work visas.

Indivisible Chicago Alliance joins with United We Dream, The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) and many other immigrant and progressive organizations in supporting today’s policy announcements, as meaningful, just, and positive steps towards providing relief for immigrants already in the United States.

As welcome as today’s announcements are, we know that legislation and continued pressure on Congress to take meaningful actions are essential. Today’s actions confirm that humane policies are possible and should be expanded upon to create more pathways towards permanent relief, without dismantling the right to asylum and other humanitarian protections.

Indivisible Chicago continues to advocate for a fair and sustainable system that protects families through such things as expanded and expedited work authorizations, expanded Temporary Protected Status and pathways for permanent residency and citizenship, and more Congressional funding to support people as they navigate their asylum cases both at the border and in communities nationwide.

And we will continue to advocate for the roll-back of deterrence-based asylum restrictions anchored on the false narrative of “border security”, as an affirmation that seeking asylum is both a human and legal right, and an integral component that helps keep families together.

Here is what you can do:

  • Contact President Joe Biden to share your support of the Administration’s Parole in Place affirmative action

  • Contact U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and urge the Administration to pivot towards humane affirming policies.

  • Share the messages on social media

    • Like and repost any posts from Indivisible Chicago or other organizations that use the hashtags #SaveAsylum, #AsylumRights, or #WelcomeWithDignity.

    • Create your own posts, use the same hashtags, and tag the appropriate handles for President Biden and USCIS.

  • Share this with others and ask them to take this action as well.

  • TAKE ACTION with Indivisible Chicago Alliance in this critical election year - sign up for volunteer opportunities.


For more information on the immigration protections, please refer to the American Immigration Council’s Immigration Blog.