Wednesday, November 16th - Support Respect for Marriage Act / Postcards to Georgia / Indivisible Strategy Call

Actions You Can Take Today

  • Action 1: Support Respect for Marriage act

  • Action 2: Write Postcards for the Georgia Runoff election at Gideon Welles TODAY

    • Wed Nov 16 6:30-8:30PM

    • Monday Nov 21 6:30-8:30PM

  • Action 3: Indivisible National Strategy Call

    • ​​​​​​​TONIGHT, November 16th, 7PM Central

    • Register here

Action 1: Support Respect for Marriage Act

Please TAKE ACTION and send your thanks to our IL Senators for their support on the Respect for Marriage act - and then, ask them to push their Senate peers to vote YES when the bill comes up later this week!

Marriage is about love, commitment, and family. People from all walks of life value the freedom to marry and agree that all families should be treated with dignity and respect. In fact, support for marriage equality for same-sex couples is at 71 percent – an all-time high.

This legislation is an important opportunity to reaffirm the freedom to marry and protect the millions of families nationwide who deserve to have their marriages protected and respected under the law.

Via Equality Illinois

Action 2: Write Postcards for the Georgia Runoff election TODAY

The Georgia Runoff Race is fast approaching and it's time to step up and help. Join Indivisible Lincoln Square and Indivisible Chicago Alliance at Gideon Welles as we write postcards to remind voters about the upcoming runoff election.

Gideon Welles, 4500 N Lincoln

  • Wed Nov 16 6:30-8:30PM

  • Monday Nov 21 6:30-8:30PM

Just show up ready to write and we will provide postcards and pens. Donations of cash or stamps to help offset the cost of postage is appreciated.

Action 3: Join the Indivisible National Strategy Call TONIGHT

Trump has officially announced he's running again in 2024. Meanwhile, we held the Senate and staved off the red wave in a historic over-performance for Dems, but Georgia is headed to a runoff, and the Final Session in this Congress is likely our last chance at passing popular Dem policies until the next election. It's a lot to process!

Join us on Wednesday 11/16 to talk strategy: what the latest means for our movement and how Indivisibles can take action to make the most of this moment.

Tonight, Wednesday, 11/16, 7PM Central. 

Register for the call here.

Via Indivisible National

While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.


Thursday, November 18th - Calls for GA runoff / Letters for GA runoff / Donate to GA grassroots


Tuesday, November 15th - Postcards to Georgia Voters / Pass Assault Weapons Ban / Donate to Georgia Grassroots