Wednesday, June 22 - Text Bank TOMORROW / Wisconsin Voter Registration Calls / Make a Plan to Vote

Actions You Can Take Today

Action 1: TOMORROW - Text Bank for the 2022 Midterm Elections

It's been too long, and we’re excited to invite you to join us to kick off our 2022 Midterms texting program! In 2020, you all helped us send 1.4 MILLION texts, a crucial part of winning many races during that election. The 2022 Midterms are now just a few months away, and we are ready to do it again -- we just need your help!

The Illinois Primary is coming up on June 28th, and we're holding IndivisiText Zoom texting parties on June 23rd and 27th for our Indivisible Chicago endorsed candidates Kina Collins (IL-07) and Delia Ramirez (IL-03), as well as for nationally endorsed candidate Litesa Wallace (IL-17).

With early voting already underway, we’re excited to be texting Democratic voters to raise awareness and turn out voters for these great progressive candidates. We hope you can join us for all or any of these texting parties!

After signing up for our event, you will receive a confirmation email about registering for the texting party Zoom and how to sign up for our national texting platform, TextOut. Need a refresher? Training will be included at the start of the event, and we’ll be on Zoom with you the whole time to help you respond to voters. Both new and veteran 2020 texters are all welcome, so join us to text out the vote and invite a friend!

To send texts with us you will need the following:

  • Computer: desktop, laptop, or (in some cases) tablet.

  • A stable internet connection with good audio and camera for Zoom.

  • A web browser - Chrome, Firefox, or Safari

Action 2: Wisconsin Voter Registration Calls 6/29

In 2020, Indivisible Chicago Alliance and Evanston with Rust Belt Rising made calls to Wisconsin that registered thousands of voters in one of the closest states in the country. For the 2022 midterms, we are going to do it again.

Sign up for our training and first-call session so that you can help people over the phone be ready to vote on Wednesday, June 29 at 7 p.m. Be sure to check out the additional dates as well!

Project partners Civitech has identified 76,000 voters who share our values but are not registered to vote at their current address. They are mailing these voters a registration form with prepaid postage and need you to call the resident about completing their registration. We will train you over Zoom to get you going making this crucial difference for democracy.

This process has proven to be incredibly effective so sign up to help everyone make their voice heard in a state that will be so close and consequential in the Midterms.

Action 3: Make a Plan to Vote in the IL Primary

Help make the most of early voting starting, happening now through June 28 (Election Day)! Make a plan to vote early or vote by mail—get all the info you need here.

Don’t forget to support our endorsed candidates, Delia Ramirez and Kina Collins. NOW is the time to help them win. 

Each have victory within reach, but we expect the same razor-thin margins we’re seeing across the country: 

  • In Pennsylvania, progressive Summer Lee won by 978 votes

  • In Texas, progressive Jessica Cisneros is behind by 157 votes in a race yet to be called

In these hard-fought primaries, every door knock and phone call takes on outsized importance. How many votes can you help deliver? Let’s not wake up June 29 only to find we could have won with just a bit more effort.

Sign up here to join us in making calls and knocking doors. We’ve got great candidates, weekend and weeknight options, and veteran trainers to help get you started. 

All that’s missing is you!

While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.


Thursday, June 23 - Volunteer to Elect Progressives / Emergency Response to Supreme Court Abortion Ruling


Tuesday, June 21 - Volunteer to Elect Progressives / March with Indivisible Chicago in the Pride Parade 6/26