Friday, February 10 - Milwaukee Canvassing on Saturdays / Phone Bank to Flip the Wisconsin Supreme Court

Action You Can Take Today

Action 1: Milwaukee Canvassing on Saturdays

The most important election you never heard of is coming February 21 to Wisconsin— the “nonpartisan primary” to elect a new Supreme Court judge. This little-known election gives us a big chance to correct the course of Wisconsin politics for years to come. Electing a progressive here will give us a 4-3 majority on the court, which will help Governor Tony Evers protect the state (and the nation!) against the extremism of its egregiously gerrymandered state legislature. Will Wisconsin start enforcing an abortion ban passed in 1849? Will voter suppression and rigged election rules favor Republicans in ways that could tip the 2024 elections? These questions and many more are on the ballot.

Flipping a Wisconsin Supreme Court from Conservative to Progressive  (Judges Everett Mitchell, or Janet Claire Protasiewicz) may be the first step towards Fair Elections in Wisconsin and holding back MAGA plans in Wisconsin.

WisDems and Bay View Indivisible are doing canvass sessions every Saturday between now and April. Sign up to join!

Action via WisDems

Action 2: Wisconsin Phone Banks Mondays & Wednesdays

The Wisconsin election will be decided in two steps: in the February 21 primary voters will choose two candidates who will face off in April. We’re working to ensure that at least one of them is a progressive who will stand up for women’s rights, fair elections, and the rule of law. The way to do that is to turn out as many Democrats as we can in the few days we have left.

Every Monday and Wednesday, Indivisible Chicago is phone banking to support Wisconsin progressives and flip the Supreme court. Our phone banks have a national rep for thorough training and patient one-on-one support. Join us!

While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.


Monday, February 13 -  Text Party to Flip the WI Supreme Court on Feb 16


Thursday, February 9 - Blue Beginning Happy Hour: Progressive Mayoral Candidates Forum 2/16