Tuesday, May 9 - Witness Slip Roundup / Abortion Access Rally (5/13)
Action You Can Take Today
Action 1: Sign these progressive witness slips - see details on all the bills
HB39, Voting in Prison (proponent)
HB2049, Racism-Free Schools Act (proponent)
HB1286, Equitable Restrooms - All Gender (proponent)
HJR1, Affirm Equal Rights Amendment (proponent)
HB3067, Sex Ed Grant Program (proponent)
HB3293, Medicaid-Family Planning (proponent)
Action 2: Support Bodily Autonomy in Illinois rally on Saturday, May 13 from noon to 2 p.m. at 8 S. Michigan Ave.
Action 1: Witness Slip Roundup
Illinois’ unique system of witness slips makes it easy for citizens to weigh in on important bills quickly using an online form. Before a bill is heard in the Illinois General Assembly, the chairperson will read who has submitted witness slips and whether they support or oppose the bill. This helps inform legislators as to where Illinoisans and organizations stand before voting. Witness slips are a great and relatively quick way to make your voice heard in state government.
Here are a few important bills collecting witness slips for hearings this week. See a description of the bills from She Vote IL.
Due TODAY - HB39, Voting in Prison (proponent). Clarifies language in the Illinois Constitution to allow people in prison to vote. We believe it is important for all citizens to maintain the right to vote.
Due Wednesday - HB2049, Racism-Free Schools Act (proponent). To prevent and address racial harassment in schools. Learn more here: Factsheet
Due Wednesday - HB1286, Equitable Restrooms - All Gender (proponent). Allows public and private entities to implement gender-inclusive multi-occupancy restrooms if they want.
Due Wednesday - HJR1, Affirm Equal Rights Amendment (proponent). Urges the Administration of President Biden to publish without delay the Equal Rights Amendment as the Twenty-Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Urges Congress to pass a joint resolution affirming the Equal Rights Amendment as the Twenty-Eighth Amendment. Calls on other states to join in this action by passing the same or similar resolutions.
Due Thursday - HB3067, Sex Ed Grant Program (proponent). Creates a new appropriation of $20 million to the Department of Human Services to implement the Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act and provide grants to local school districts and community organizations for comprehensive personal health and safety education in kindergarten through the 5th grade and comprehensive sexual health education in the 6th through 12th grades.
Due Thursday - HB3293, Medicaid-Family Planning (proponent). Extends family planning Medicaid services to non-citizens or legally admitted permanent residents, establishes a carve out for vasectomy services, and requires the IDFS to adopt reproductive justice-aligned measures of contraceptive access.
Witness Slip Instructions:
I. IDENTIFICATION: with your information. In the Firm/Business or Agency Box and in the Title Box, identify as "Self."
II. REPRESENTATION: as "Self" (unless you actually are representing an organization)
IV. TESTIMONY: select "Record of Appearance Only
Never miss another slip! Join The Witness Slip Project and make sure you turn your notification settings to All Posts.
Action via She Votes IL
Action 2: Abortion Access Rally (5/13)
When it comes to abortion access, no state is truly "safe"--including Illinois. In fact, there are nearly 100 anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) in our state lying to pregnant people about abortion, emergency contraception, and reproductive health.
Join a coalition of pro-abortion organizations in Chicago to bring awareness to the growing public health threat from CPCs and legislative efforts to hold them accountable.
Come to the Support Bodily Autonomy in Illinois rally on Saturday, May 13 from noon to 2 p.m. at 8 S. Michigan Ave. This location is home to one of Chicago's anti-abortion CPCs.
Event details to be added as the event gets closer. There will be a brief rally shortly after 12:00pm, followed by a march. Bring your friends, your favorite pro-abortion signs, and your outside voices!
Action via Chicago NOW
While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.