Tuesday, August 8 - Chicago Rally to Defend the Tampa 5 / Postcards to Virginia and Kentucky Voters
Action You Can Take Today
Action 1: TOMORROW - Chicago Rally to Defend the Tampa 5 on Wednesday, August 9 at 6 p.m. at Federal Plaza
Action 1: TOMORROW - Chicago Rally to Defend the Tampa 5
Wednesday, August 9th is the second court date of the Tampa 5, a group of activists who were arrested and brutalized by police for protesting against Ron Desantis attacks on diversity in higher education. The white supremacists in Florida are now threatening the Tampa 5 with up to ten years in prison in an effort to intimidate those in the movement for freedom, justice, and equality. SDS and NAARPR chapters across the country are joining with our allies in the movement to demand that the charges be dropped and all political repression stopped. Read more about the Tampa 5.
When repressive tactics are successful in Florida or any part of the country, they will be used on activists all over the US. We must defend the Tampa 5 to defend the movement.
In Chicago, we will rally at Federal Plaza at 6pm TOMORROW, August 9th. Please join us and be a part of the campaign to drop the charges on the Tampa 5.
Action via Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
Action 2: Postcards for VA and KY Voters
The Postcards to Swing States program is providing Indivisible Evanston with 10,000 postcards for the November Virginia and Kentucky elections.
In Virginia, we're writing to rally Democrats to vote in 42 competitive state legislative districts this November. Democrats hold a narrow majority in the state Senate and Republicans hold a narrow majority in the House of Delegates. In Kentucky, our postcards will help Democratic Governor Andy Beshear win re-election in November.
Indivisible Evanston will supply the postcards, names and addresses, and script. You just supply the postage. Postcards are available for pickup beginning August 14th in three locations in Evanston, one in Deerfield, and one in Buffalo Grove. The mailing date is Friday, October 27th. Sign up today for pickups beginning August 14th. They will go quickly.
Indivisible Evanston will be hosting virtual Monday night post carding parties starting August 21st. Sign up today!
Action via Indivisible Evanston
While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.