Monday, June 27 - Support Abortion Rights in IL / Primary Text Bank TODAY / Get Out the Vote for Tomorrow’s Election

Actions You Can Take Today

Action 1: Tell IL State Senators to Support HB 1464

Progressives like you have been getting Illinois ready for what happened on June 24, especially after Politico published a leaked draft Supreme Court opinion from Justice Alito to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, ending federal constitutional protections for abortion. But even though we saw it coming, it was a devasting blow.

On Friday, many of us took to the streets to yell and scream and cry. It was needed, that catharsis of releasing our collective grief and anger. But today we work. Let’s get busy!

One thing you can do to help support reproductive health access in Illinois is to urge Illinois State Senators to support HB 1464, which will protect providers who are licensed in Illinois from discipline if their license is revoked by another state because they participated in any health care, medical service, or procedure related to an abortion.

This bill has passed the Illinois State House. Now, call your Illinois State Senator and ask them to support HB 1464. Additionally, contact Senator Don Harmon, President of the Illinois Senate, and ask him to rally his colleagues around this much-needed bill during a critical time in our state and country.

Now is the time to take your anger and harness it into action! Call your senator today! And if you’re looking for more ways to help, check out this article by reproductive health activist Annie Williams.

Action via Annie Williams

Action 2: TODAY - Text Bank for the IL Primary

The Illinois Primary is coming up on June 28th, and we're holding the last of our GOTV IndivisiText Zoom texting parties TODAY for our Indivisible Chicago endorsed candidates Kina Collins (IL-07) and Delia Ramirez (IL-03). We hope you can join us and become part of our 2022 Midterms texting team!

In 2020, you all helped us send 1.4 MILLION texts, a crucial part of winning many races during that election. The 2022 Midterms are now just a few months away, and we are ready to do it again -- we just need your help!

After signing up for our event, you will receive a confirmation email about registering for the texting party Zoom and how to sign up for our national texting platform, TextOut.

Need a refresher? Training will be included at the start of the event, and we’ll be on Zoom with you the whole time to help you respond to voters. Both new and veteran 2020 texters are all welcome, so join us to text out the vote and invite a friend!

Sign up for the LAST text bank session before the IL primary election on Monday, June 27 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

To send texts with us you will need the following:

  • Computer: desktop, laptop, or (in some cases) tablet.

  • A stable internet connection with good audio and camera for Zoom.

  • A web browser - Chrome, Firefox, or Safari

Action 3: URGENT - Volunteer to Elect IL Progressives

We’re proud of the work we’ve done to rebuild the Midwest blue wall. But is it strong enough? We’re watching the Trumpies win primaries across the country. If we’re going to stop the GOP from pulling the country further to the right, we need to elect truly progressive candidates up and down the ballot here in our Blue Illinois. And that happens in the critical primary underway right now.

It's time to volunteer for Election Day work on June 28 and in this critical week/weekend leading into the in-precinct voting. Direct contact with voters is how we win. When it comes to our endorsed Congressional candidates Kina Collins (IL07) and Delia Ramirez (03), to know them is to love (and vote for) them. We just have to get the word out.

Nothing we say can get you out for election work this week? We understand. So, how about this: resolve to triple your vote by informing two friends and ensuring they turn up to vote for progressives. Be a bundler from the comfort of your own home and boost voter turnout wherever your friends and family may live. But we’ll give you bonus points if you can boost turnout in Illinois 07 for Kina Collins and 03 for Delia Ramirez. Our candidate pages include maps of the 3rd district and the 7th district (scroll down) that will help you zero in on those voters within your networks.

While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.


Tuesday, June 28 - VOTE TODAY / Truth Brigade Illinois Abortion Messaging / Expand the Court


Friday, June 24 - Text Bank Monday for IL Primary / Get Out the Vote for Tuesday’s Election / Phone Banks Next Week