Thursday, July 21 - Ban Assault Weapons in Illinois / Rockin' Phone Bank Saturday

Actions You Can Take Today

  • Action 1: Call your state rep and senator to demand they vote YES for HB5522 The Assault Weapons Ban in the special session

  • Action 2: Rockin' Phone Bank on Saturday, July 23 at 4 p.m. — additional Saturday dates available

Action 1: Ban Assault Weapons in Illinois

Illinois can be the first state to ban assault weapons. Governor Pritzker has said that he is calling a special session of the legislature to strengthen our laws protecting abortion. The legislature could pass the assault weapons ban at the same time. This bill is “gaining momentum,” according to the Chicago Tribune! The time to keep pushing is NOW!

This is what you can do right now to make sure what happened in Highland Park does not happen in your community:

  • Find your state rep and your state senator’s contact info

  • Call and say this: "Hello. My name is _________. I live in [YOUR TOWN]. I ask that you please vote YES for HB5522 The Assault Weapons Ban in Special Session."

  • Then ask your friends and family in every county in the state to do the same.

  • Put your reps’ phone numbers in your speed dial and call them every day with the exact same message until they do it.

Action via Sara Knizhnik

Action 2: Rockin’ Phone Bank on Saturday

Hey! Do you want to make sure that progressive candidates get elected in 2022? So do we!!

Come join Indivisible Illinois and Indivisible Milwaukee as we make calls for candidates at our Rockin' Zoom Party every Saturday from 4:00-5:30 pm. We'll be phone-bank partying every Saturday until the Saturday before the November election. 

This Saturday we are phone banking for Congresswoman Lauren Underwood's re-election campaign (IL-14), and for State Rep. Candidate Cindy Cunningham (IL-104). Plus, we are pleased to add phone banking for Debbie Davis's campaign for State Representative in Southwest Milwaukee, Wisconsin! Come join us!

Action via Indivisible Illinois

While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.


Friday, July 22 - Rally to End the Torture at Menard Prison Monday / Chicago Budget Engagement Forums


Wednesday, July 20 - A Revolution of Values Event TONIGHT / Chicago Budget Engagement Forums