Friday, July 22 - Rally to End the Torture at Menard Prison Monday / Chicago Budget Engagement Forums

Actions You Can Take Today

Action 1: Rally to End the Torture at Menard Prison Monday

Join us on Monday, August 1st at 6 PM to demand an end to the torture at Menard Prison. Our loved ones held at Menard have experienced harassment, mistreatment, neglect, abuse, repression, and, in the case of Michael Jefferson and many more, death at the hands of Menard staff and the Illinois Department of “Corrections” (IDOC). We are calling on IDOC Director Rob Jeffreys and Governor Pritzker to act NOW to address these conditions and bring our loved ones home!

Our demands are:

  • Transfer Michael Minnifield, Isaiah Brady, and Chaz Thrailkill out of Menard immediately!

  • Conduct an independent investigation into the conditions at Menard!

  • Pass the Isolated Confinement Restriction Act HB 3564 NOW!

  • Hold guards who have abused our loved ones accountable!

  • Shut Down Menard!

We ask all those who are able to come out and join us as we bring these demands forward in a demonstration. We need every person who can to join us in raising these demands, until Rob Jeffreys and JB Pritzker ACT to address the needs of our loved ones, and until this crisis has the attention it needs. RSVP for the event on Facebook.

Action via Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

Action 2: Chicago Budget Engagement Forums

Budget season is approaching and the city is gearing up to host three Budget Engagement Forums this week and next where Chicago residents will be able to share their priorities regarding city services and programs for next year's budget. We want to flood the public comments and make sure the city hears us about how we do NOT want money going towards the police, and instead want services funded that actually address our communities' needs, such as Treatment Not Trauma.

Can you attend one of the following forums and make your voice heard by signing up for public comment and/or filling out public comment cards? Register HERE.

  • TOMORROW, Saturday, July 23rd @10am at Malcolm X College

  • Saturday, July 30th @10am at Truman College

Action via Defund CPD

While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.


Monday, July 25 - Rideshare Living Wage Rally TOMORROW / Rally to End the Torture at Menard Prison 8/1 / Wisconsin Canvassing 8/6


Thursday, July 21 - Ban Assault Weapons in Illinois / Rockin' Phone Bank Saturday