Monday, October 2 - Say NO to $1.5B utility rate hike in Illinois

Action You Can Take Today

Urge the ICC to reject the needless utility rate hike

Say NO to $1.5B utility rate hike in Illinois

ComEd is requesting a $1.5 billion rate hike, and the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) is considering the request now. At a time when many working Illinois families are struggling to pay their bills, this rate hike would be used primarily to increase profit for ComEd shareholders.

This rate increase includes an excessive profit rate of 10.5 percent for shareholders and comes at a time when major Chicago-area gas utilities are also asking for record rate increases, coupled with increasing prices for other necessities for many Illinois residents. While there are important grid improvements that ComEd can and should make, those should not include excessive profits for shareholders.

Take a minute to submit a comment today and urge the ICC to reject the needless utility rate hike today. This increase is not needed to fund necessary grid upgrades and should be rejected.

Action via Union of Concerned Scientists

While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.


Tuesday, October 3 - Indivisible Rural Illinois Call / Blue Districts Cohort Call


Friday, September 29 - Do Better, Durbin!