Thursday, May 25 - EPA Public Comment / Tell Illinois lawmakers: Rent control is due!

Action You Can Take Today

Action 1: EPA Public Comment

Millions of people across the United States and Puerto Rico are potentially exposed to ethylene oxide, a hazardous air pollutant which is used in gas form to make other chemicals and to sterilize some medical devices and dried food products. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently engaging the public on stronger protections from the cancer-causing chemical ethylene oxide.

Now is the time to act: submit a comment to the EPA today and protect communities and workers from the invisible toxic ethylene oxide. The deadline is Monday, June 12.

Action via Union of Concerned Scientists

Action 2: Rent Control in Illinois

From Chicago to Champaign, Rockford to Rock Island, landlords are gouging tenants with massive rent hikes, evicting renters without cause and displacing longtime residents from their communities.

The situation is dire. Almost half of all Illinois renters are rent burdened, defined as spending at least 30% of a person's monthly income on housing. A full quarter of Illinois tenants spend half or more of their monthly paycheck on rent.

But local governments' hands are tied. A statewide prohibition on rent control passed in the 1990s means landlords can raise rent by any amount they want and local municipalities are banned from regulating rent increases.

Join the Lift the Ban Coalition in telling lawmakers: Rent control is due!

Action via Lift the Ban Coalition

While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.


Friday, May 26 - Donate to Help Asylum Seekers in Chicago


Wednesday, May 24 - Gun Violence and the Supreme Court Round Table Today