Tuesday, August 1 - Chicago Rally to Defend the Tampa 5 / Protect Abortion Rights in Ohio

Action You Can Take Today

Action 1: Chicago Rally to Defend the Tampa 5 on 8/9

Wednesday, August 9th is the second court date of the Tampa 5, a group of activists who were arrested and brutalized by police for protesting against Ron Desantis attacks on diversity in higher education. The white supremacists in Florida are now threatening the Tampa 5 with up to ten years in prison in an effort to intimidate those in the movement for freedom, justice, and equality. SDS and NAARPR chapters across the country are joining with our allies in the movement to demand that the charges be dropped and all political repression stopped. Read more about the Tampa 5.

When repressive tactics are successful in Florida or any part of the country, they will be used on activists all over the US. We must defend the Tampa 5 to defend the movement.

In Chicago, we will rally at Federal Plaza at 6pm on August 9th. Please join us and be a part of the campaign to drop the charges on the Tampa 5.

Action via Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

Action 2: Protect Abortion Rights in Ohio

Indivisible Chicago is joining forces with the Democratic Party of Ohio to block what newspapers are calling a “statehouse con” and a “historic abuse of power”--an effort by Ohio Republicans to sneak into law an anti-abortion/anti-democracy measure that would leave voters without recourse against the extremism of their far-right legislature.

This cynical power-grab is called “Issue 1” and it’s the only thing on the ballot in a special election scheduled for August. To protect their right to a voice in their own government, Ohio voters must VOTE NO on this initiative.

The shamelessness of Issue 1 is breathtaking. Last year Ohio Republicans voted to eliminate August elections because they are expensive and extremely low-turnout. But when Ohio doctors and activists began collecting signatures for a ballot initiative to protect abortion rights, far-right extremists realized that an ultra-low-turnout is just what they need! So they have scheduled this election, which will cost Ohio taxpayers $20 million, to slip in a new rule requiring 60 percent of voters to approve constitutional amendments; the current threshold is 50 percent plus one. This change would make amendments virtually impossible in Ohio, leaving no recourse for citizens whose voices are stymied by their impossibly gerrymandered legislature.

Because turnout will be super-low, this election can be won on the phones. Join us getting this message to Ohio voters: vote NO on Issue 1!

While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.


Wednesday, August 2 - Expose Republicans' effort to advance the Big Lie


Monday, July 31 - Spread the Word About Pretrial Fairness