Wednesday, February 12 - Reps Hold the Line! / Find & Support Independent Journalism / Help Us Continue the Fight
ICA Action: Tell Reps to Hold the Line
The Trump Administration is overreaching, attempting to dismantle our government and harm our communities. They’re canceling federal loans, firing workers at USAID, shutting down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and giving billionaire Elon Musk access to the Treasury and our personal information.
Trump's policies demonize immigrants, deny transgender people critical care, and target DEI initiatives. Democrats cannot be complicit in this coup. If they support funding the government in the next federal bill, they enable Trump to continue trampling the Constitution. With Republicans in control, Democrats must stand united against this illegal power grab.
👉 Tell your Illinois Democratic Representative not to trade votes for concessions and force Republicans to pass their own budget!
Partner Action: Find & Support Independent Journalism
Local news outlets and journalists will be the sentinels of the impacts - and human tolls - of assaults on our institutions. They will be critical in building visibility of courageous folks standing up to authoritarianism.
Right now many Big Journalism are not adequately communicating the illegality, criminality and harms of the constitutional crisis. The Media and Democracy Project built a searchable 50-state directory of credible local news outlets, with many in the Chicago area.
👉 Check out the independent journalism directory and share it today!
Action via The Media and Democracy Project
ICA Action: Help Us Continue the Fight
These last few weeks have been exhausting, but thanks for sticking with us! We know that you may not have the capacity or energy to take action every day, but to those of you who find time in your week to phone your reps, attend protests, or volunteer to phone/text bank, we see you, and we are so grateful.
👉 If you haven’t already, we hope you’ll sign up to continue the fight with us by telling us the best ways to plug you into the causes you care about.
While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.
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