Monday, September 25 - Why We're Fighting School Vouchers / Pretrial Fairness Court Watching
Action You Can Take Today
Action 1: TOMORROW - Why We’re Fighting School Vouchers on Tuesday, September 26 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. (virtual event)
Action 2: Call for Statewide Data Entry/Analysis Volunteers for Pretrial Fairness Court Watching
Action 1: TOMORROW - Why We’re Fighting School Vouchers
The veto session is coming up next month. Invest in Kids (school vouchers) will once again be a focus of attention. The proponents have geared up their organizing, media strategy, and outreach to legislators. For an update on the voucher program, please consider attending this webinar offered by the Illinois League of Women Voters. Invite neighbors, parents, and grandparents of public school kids and friends who are outraged by public money going to religious schools.
The Invest in Kids school voucher program diverts up to $75 million from public education and sends public dollars to unaccountable, untransparent private schools, while over 80% of our public schools in Illinois are underfunded.
This program must end. Join us to hear from League of Women Voters of Illinois experts as we gear up to fight any attempt at extending IIK during the fall veto session.
Please register to attend the virtual event TOMORROW, September 26 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. You will receive the event link via email upon completing your registration.
Action via Illinois Families for Public Schools
Action 2: Pretrial Fairness Court Watching
Since the passage of the Pretiral Fairness Act, a statewide court-watching program is launching soon to make sure the program is being fairly implemented. In addition to court watchers, we need folks who can assist with helping us sort through the data we've collected.
If you’re interested in volunteering, sign up here.
Below are descriptions of the individual positions:
20 Data Entry Volunteers (Late-September to Mid-November)
Manually enter data into a Google Form from photos of court-watching forms
Match data forms that correspond to the same hearings based on dates, case numbers, and names
5 Law Student/Pro Bono Lawyer Volunteers (Mid-October to Late-November)
Interpret court-watchers’ responses of the accused person’s charge(s) as standardized, formal charges
Research the outcomes and interpret the observations of specific cases with missing data
2 Data Expert Volunteers (Early-November to Mid-December)
Engage in discussions with our data team about analysis strategies and validity, reliability, and bias
Read the RMarkdown file for data analysis to check our data processing and computer programming
While some of these Daily Actions come from our own work as Indivisible Chicago Alliance, others are from our many partners working to advance the progressive agenda. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. Postings from partners do not imply Indivisible Chicago Alliance endorsement of specific policies and positions.