Friday, April 19th - Healthcare Protection Act
Actions You Can Take
Action 1: Healthcare Protection Act
In his State of the State address earlier this year, Governor Pritzker unveiled the Healthcare Protection Act, an expansive bill to curb predatory health insurance practices and give patients and their physicians more control over medical decisions. Here’s what the bill does:
Ending Prior Authorization for In-Patient Mental Health Treatments – Prior authorization is a practice requiring that insurers first approve a treatment before a patient can access it – even after a physician has prescribed it. Over the years, prior authorization has prevented thousands of patients from accessing necessary, and sometimes lifesaving, treatments.
Banning Step Therapy – Step therapy, or “fail first”, is a process by which insurers require patients to try an alternative – and usually less effective – treatment and have it fail before they can access the one prescribed by their physician.
Eliminating Ghost Networks – Ghost networks are directories that include providers who aren’t in-network, aren’t accepting new patients, or don’t even exist. This can make finding the right provider a lot more difficult and frustrating for patients who are seeking immediate care.
Prohibiting Junk Insurance Plans – Junk insurance, or short-term limited-duration plans, is a form of health coverage that offers very little benefits or security. They don’t have to be compliant with the Affordable Care Act’s standards, they don’t have out-of-pocket maximums, and they lack essential coverage for things like maternity care and mental health services. Many consumers are unaware of how little their junk insurance covers and can be left with thousands of dollars in medical debt when faced with a medical emergency.
Extending Rate Review to Large Group Plans – Currently, small group plans must get approval from the Department of Insurance before they can raise their rates – protecting consumers from unreasonable rate increases. The Healthcare Protection Act would extend those protections to the many Illinoisans enrolled in large group plans.
There are several ways you can get involved in helping the Healthcare Protection Act pass:
Contact your legislators – Lawmakers need to hear from you. Contact your legislators and ask them to support HB 5395 / SB 3739 as cosponsors.
Share your story – Have you or someone you know been negatively impacted by step therapy, junk insurance, prior authorization, etc? Share your experiences with a brief quote.
Action via Citizen Action Illinois
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