Tuesday, July 2 - Supreme Court Presidential Immunity Ruling / Tuesday Night Postcard Parties

Actions You Can Take

Action 1: Supreme Court Presidential Immunity Ruling

Yesterday the Supreme Court, having injected itself unnecessarily into the issue of Presidential immunity, has further undermined our country and our system of laws, while ensuring there will be no verdict in the January 6th case prior to the Nov 5 election.

The Supreme Court has given Trump the thing he craves most--time. Sending the immunity case back to the DC district court intentionally keeps the American people in the dark about whether a jury of our peers would have found Trump guilty of fomenting the Jan 6th attack on our nation.

This ruling also opens the possibility of an unleashed Trump in a second term with the prospect of appointing two justices. This is why Indivisible Chicago is committed to protecting our country's future and providing ways activists can get involved to work against a Trump return to the White House.
Here is what you can do to save our courts and democracy

  • TAKE ACTION with Indivisible Chicago Alliance in this critical election year - sign up for volunteer opportunities and check out the action calendar.

  • Contact Senator Durbin  at  202.224.2152 and demand that he conducts ethics hearings and move on legislation that protects the American people from rulings that attack our freedoms

  • Spread the word on social media

    • Like and repost any posts from Indivisible Chicago on Twitter and Threads

    • Create your own posts

Together we can save our courts and democracy by electing progressive candidates and progressive Democrats across all levels of government.

Action 2: Tuesday Night Postcard Party TONIGHT

Come enjoy the camaraderie of writing postcards to voters in swing states with fellow Indivisible Chicago activists. 

We're back at the Gideon Welles pub in Lincoln Square every Tuesday evening from 6:30 to 8:00pm, writing postcards to get our voters to the polls in November. 

If you can sign up in advance, it helps us let our GW hosts know how many people to expect, but last-minute walk-ins are always welcome.

Feel free to bring your own postcards if you've already ordered them from Postcards to Swing States, or just show up and we'll provide you with postcards, scripts, address lists, and pens.

Donations are welcome, either monetary or in the form of postcard stamps. We look forward to seeing you there!

Other ways to obtain postcards

If you’d like to write postcards on your own or host your own gatherings, go to www.turnoutpac.org/postcards, click on “Sign up for postcards,” complete your order and you’ll be mailed your free postcards along with messages to write and voter lists. (Note: If you enter “Indivisible Chicago” to the optional question on the form, “Are you ordering for a grassroots group?”, we can also let you know when postcard parties are scheduled nearby. Postcards will be provided at the parties or you can bring the postcards you’ve ordered.)

Indivisible Evanston is also distributing postcards for the Postcards to Swing State Campaigns.  There are two pickup locations in Evanston, one in Deerfield and one in Buffalo Grove. Sign up here.   

Postcard writers are responsible for providing the postcard stamps (currently 53 cents), handwriting a short message and addressing the cards. The instructions include a specific mailing date in October, so you have until then to write the postcards.


Wednesday, July 3 - Investigate SCOTUS / Michigan Monday Phone Bank July 8 / Michigan Canvassing July 14


Monday, July 1 - Voter Protection Phone Banking / No More U.S. Weapons Used on Gaza Civilians